Network Spinal

"The shape, position, tension, and tone of your spine determines the shape, position, tension, and tone of your life."

-Donny Epstein, founder of Network Spinal

Network Spinal (NS) is an evidence based chiropractic approach to wellness and body awareness. This approach utilizes the principles of reorganizational healing innate to our nervous system. Gentle, precise touches along the spine in a specific sequence elicit a deep brain/body connection, which then helps the body release stored stress and produce lasting recovery. The outcome is not only a profound release of tension, pain, and misalignment, but also an increased ability for the body to adapt to future physical, mental and emotional stress.

What the patient experiences is precise gentle touch applied at spinal gateways to cue the brain to develop new strategies for healing. This reorganization of information helps the body disperse energy and tension throughout the system more efficiently. Assessments are done with each patient, to include monitoring of the spine, body awareness, as well as responsiveness to inner rhythms, tension and ease patterns.

“Early in my practice I prided myself on my ability to ‘rid’ people of their pain. I had a lot of excellent tools and training: myofascial release, cupping, trigger point, massage, activator, arthrostim adjustments, manual adjustments, nutrition, and energy and emotional release techniques. I knew pain needed to be addressed from several angles: connective tissue, muscles tissue, bone structure, and emotion. But I noticed a pattern: pain had a way of returning.”

NS incorporates all the necessary components mentioned above, plus spinal cord tension and the need for the exchange of energy (energies). NS has taught me that energy bound in the system and stored as tension is the bodies’ way of trying to preserve energy where it is deficient. If energy is deficient in a system, in a living organism, the system will fail to thrive. The signal to access and liberate stored energy must come from the nervous system and brain. The reasons for binding energy in the first place: response to trauma, conditioning, physical, mental, emotional stress-and the source of energy stored-biophysical, emotional, mental, soul--must be revisited and re-organized for permanent changes to be achieved by the system and in the organism. Once the system becomes more efficient accessing its own bound energy, it is free to develop higher strategies of accessing energy from outside the system. Ultimately, the process of transformation, growth and development becomes limitless.

Through specific low force touches to the spine, Network Spinal assists the brain in developing new strategies to:

  • Experience the world

  • Adapt to stress

  • Dissipate tension from the spine and nerves

  • Connect with your body’s natural rhythms

  • Experience greater well being

  • Make healthier choices

We’d love to help you feel better now!